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Souza, Grazione de; Dutra, Breno Luis; Lima, Lucas Barros; Amaral Souto, Helio Pedro. Simulação numérica do escoamento em reservatórios de gás natural não-convencionais utilizando o processamento em paralelo (OpenMP). PRINCIPIA (JOÃO PESSOA), v. 61, 3, p. 644-664, 2022.  |
Moraes, L.R.C.; Filho, H. Alves; Barros, R.C.. On the calculation of neutron sources generating steady prescribed power distributions in subcritical systems using multigroup X,Y-geometry discrete ordinates models. ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY, v. 168, p. 108854, 2022.  |
Moraes, L.R.C.; Patel, J.K.; Barros, R.C.; Vasques, R. . An improved spectral approach for solving the nonclassical neutral particle transport equation. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, v. 290, p. 108282, 2022.  |
Pérez Curbelo, Jesús; Carvalho de Barros, Ricardo . The adjoint transport problem applied to estimate neutral particle leakage in the discrete ordinates formulations. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF RADIATION SCIENCES, v. 10, p. 1-12, 2022.  |
Barbosa Libotte, Rafael; Alves Filho, Hermes; Carvalho da Silva, Fernando . Parallelization of a coarse-mesh neutron transport method applied in the solution of one-dimensional neutron shielding problems. REVISTA CEREUS, v. 14, p. 349-366, 2022.  |
Almeida, R. A. B. S.; Souza, G.; Amaral Souto, H.P.. Numerical solution of non-isothermal flow in heavy oil reservoirs using parallel computing. In: XLIII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, 2022, Foz do Iguaçu. Proceedings of the XLIII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering. Belo Horizonte: Associação Brasileira de Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia, 2022. v. 1. p. n/a. |
Libotte, R. B.; Alves Filho, Hermes; Silva, Fernando Carvalho da. Execution time reduction in neutron shielding calculations using the Modified Spectral Deterministic method with an enhancement to the spectral analysis. XXV ENMC, XIII ECTM, 9º MCSul e IX SEMENGO, 2022. XXV ENMC, XIII ECTM, 9º MCSul e IX SEMENGO, 2022. |
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