H. P. Amaral Souto, O. T. da Silveira, C. Moyne and S. Didierjean. Thermal Dispersion Computations by the Random Walk Method, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 21, 2, 513-544, 2002.

Felipe Pereira, Almeida, C. G., Douglas JR, J.. A New Characteristics-Based Numerical Method for Miscible Displacement in Heterogeneous Formations. Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 21, 2, 573-605, 2002.

Frias, D., Murad, M. A., Felipe Pereira. Stochastic Computational Modeling of Reservoir Compaction Due to Fluid Withdrawal, Computational and Applied Mathematics , Vol. 21, 2, 607-629, 2002.

José Antonio M. de Mello and Ricardo C. Barros. An Exponential Spectral Nodal Method for One Speed X-Y-Geometry Deep Penetration Discrete Ordinates Problems, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 29, No. 15, 1855-1869, 2002.

Hermes Alves Filho, Fernando Carvalho da Silva and Ricardo C. Barros. A Coarse-Mesh Numerical Method for One-Speed Neutron Transport Eigenvalue Problems in Two-Dimensional Cartesian Geometry, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 40, 167-177, 2002.

José V. P. de Oliveira, Augusto V. Cardona, Marco T. Vilhena and Ricardo C. Barros. A Semi-Analytical Numerical Method for Time-Dependent Radiative Transfer Problems in Slab Geometry with Coherent Isotropic Scattering, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 73, 1, 55-62, 2002.

Esbel T. Valero Orellana and Ricardo C. Barros. Analytical Coarse-Mesh Method for Monoenergetic Slab-Geometry Reactor Kinetics Using Neutron Diffusion Model, Journal of Neutron Research, Vol. 10, 1, 1-18, 2002.

H. P. Amaral Souto, C. Moyne, Márcio A. Murad and José Karam Filho. A Multiscale Approach for Heat Transfer in Solid Tumours. Computational Heat and Mass Transfer - CHMT 2001, Vol. 2, 118-125, E-Papers Publishing House, 2002.

Dany S. Dominguez, Daniel M. Lorenzo, Carlos G. Hernández, Ricardo C. Barros, Nozimar do Couto and Fernando C. da Silva. Spectral Nodal Method for One-Speed X,Y-Geometry Eigenvalue Diffusion Problem. Computational Heat and Mass Transfer - CHMT 2001, Vol. 1, 385-392, E-Papers Publishing House, 2002.

Marcos P. Abreu, Hermes Alves Filho, Carlos G. Hernández, Fernando C. da Silva and Ricardo C. Barros. On the Spectral Nodal Method Applied to Discrete Ordinates Eigenvalue Problems in Cartesian Geometry. Computational Heat and Mass Transfer - CHMT 2001, Vol. 1, 397-404, E-Papers Publishing House, 2002.

Felipe Pereira, Roman, L. C., Douglas JR. J.. Algorithmic Aspects of a Locally Conservative Eulerian-Lagrangian Method for Porous Media Flow l, Mathematical and Numerical Modeling for Subsurface and Surface Problems, Serie: Computational Methods in Water Resources XIV , Vol. II, 971-978, 2002.

Felipe Pereira, Almeida, C. G., Roman, L. C., Douglas JR. J., Yeh, L. M.. Algorithmic Aspects of a Locally Conservative Eulerian-Lagrangian Method for Transport-Dominated Diffusive Systems, Contemporary Mathematics (CONM) book series ed.: American Mathematical Society, Vol. 295, 37-48, 2002.

Felipe Pereira, Douglas JR. J., Yeh, L. M.. Relations between phase mobilities and capillary pressures for two-phase flows in fractured media, Contemporary Mathematics (CONM) book series ed.: American Mathematical Society, Vol. 295, 159-171, 2002.

Felipe Pereira, Almeida, C. G., Furtado, F.. Regimes de Mistura para o Escoamento Miscível Não Linear, Anais do V Simpósio Mineiro de Mecânica Computacional , 237-247, 2002.

Felipe Pereira, Murad, M. A., Frias, D.. Stochastic Computational Modeling of Heterogeneous Poroelastic Media, Proceedings of 2nd Biot Conference on Porous Mechanics , 251-256, 2002.

Sobre o Labtran

O Laboratório de Modelagem Multiescala e Transporte de Partículas (LABTRAN) desenvolve pesquisas em duas grandes áreas: a Modelagem Multiescala (escoamentos multifásicos em meios homogêneos e heterogêneos) e o Transporte de Partículas (transporte de partículas neutras para cálculos globais de reatores nucleares e cálculos de blindagem).



Instituto Politécnico - UERJ

Rua Bonfim, 25
Vila Amélia
Nova Friburgo - RJ
CEP: 28.625-570

Laboratório: Salas 105 e 108

Telefone: +55 (22) 2533-2263

Sala 105: 1051 e 1052
Sala 108: 1081


©2025 Labran. Todos os direitos reservados.
Desenvolvido por Helio Pedro Amaral Souto e Paulo de Tarço
