Ricardo C. de Barros, Rubem M. Vargas, Augusto V. Cardona, Marco T. Vilhena. On the Decomposition Method Applied to Linear and Non-Linear Discrete Ordinates Problems in Slab-Geometry. Progress in Nuclear Energy , Vol. 42, 4, 439-456, 2003.
Frederico Furtado, Felipe Pereira. Crossover from Nonlinearity Controlled to Heterogeneity Controlled Mixing in Two-Phase Porous Media Flows. Computational Geosciences, 7, 115-135, 2003. 
Felipe Pereira, Frias, D., Douglas JR. J., N. Henderson. Numerical Simulation of Single-Phase Multicomponent Flow Problems in Gas Reservoirs by Eulerian-Lagrangian, Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 50, No. 3, 307 - 342, 2003.
F. Furtado, Felipe Pereira. Fluid Mixing in Multiphase Porous Media Flows, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Editor: K. J. Bathe, Vol. 2, 1350–1354, Proceedings of the Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 17-20, Elsevier, 2003.
E. Abreu and F. Pereira. Numerical Simulation of Three-Phase Immiscible Displacement in Heterogeneous Reservoirs, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Transport Theory, 276-280, 2003.
J. Aquino, F. Pereira and H. P. Amaral Souto. Numerical Simulation Of Infiltration in Unsaturated Heterogeneous Soils, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Transport Theory, 316-320, 2003.
Hermes Alves Filho and Ricardo C. Barros. Use of S N Albedo Boundary Coinditions for One Non-Multiplying Region Considering Indented Reflector around the Active Domain, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Transport Theory, 240-246, 2003.
Alexandre Santos Francisco. A Stochastic Approach to Radionuclide Transport Considering the Uncertainties in the Radioactive Release from a Repository, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Transport Theory, 310-315, 2003.
Dany S. Dominguez, Francisco B. S. Oliveira and Ricardo C. Barros. Angular Quadrature Generator for Neutron Transport SN Calculations in Slab Geometry with Arbitrary Arithmetic Precision, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Transport Theory , 270-275, 2003.
L. E. Ourique, R. P. Pazos, M. T. Vilhena and Ricardo C. Barros. Spectral Analysis of the SN Aproximations in a Slab with Quadratically Anisotropic Scatering, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Transport Theory, 297-302, 2003.
Eliete B. Hauser, Rúben P. Pazos, Ricardo C. Barros and Marco T. Vilhena. Solution and Study of Nodal Neutron Transport Equation Applying the LTSN-DiagExp Method, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Transport Theory, 303-307, 2003.
E. Abreu e F. Pereira. Decomposição de Operadores para Escoamentos Trifásicos em Reservatórios de Petróleo, CDROM - Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods for Engineering , 15 páginas, 2003.
Hermes Alves Filho and Ricardo C. Barros. Approximate S N Albedo Boundary Coinditions for Two Non-Multiplying Regions Around the Core of Neutron Fission Chain Reacting Systems, CDROM - Nuclear Mathematical and Computational Sciences: A Century in Review, A Century Anew, 2003.