Ricardo Carvalho de Barros
Professor of the Graduate Program on Computational Modeling
Rio de Janeiro State University
Hermes Alves Filho
Professor of the Graduate Program on Computational Modeling
Rio de Janeiro State University
Richard Vasques
Professor of the Nuclear Engineering Graduate Program
The Ohio State University
Leonardo Rodrigues da C. Moraes
FAPERJ Distinguished Post-doc fellow at the Graduate Program on Computational Modeling
Rio de Janeiro State University
Sandwich Doctoral Scholarship - CapesPrint

Sandwich Doctoral Scholarship - CapesPrint

Lisa Susana Enomoto

Doctoral Student of the Graduate Program on Computational Modeling
Rio de Janeiro State University
Sandwich Doctoral Scholarship - CapesPrint

Sandwich Doctoral Scholarship - CapesPrint

Alan Souza da Silva
Doctoral Student of the Graduate Program on Computational Modeling
Rio de Janeiro State University